Educational Background
B.S. – U.W.Oshkosh – 1967
Ordained 1981
Richard H. Lentz
Senior Elder (Pastor)
My wife is Beverley (Luedeke), a graduate of Columbia School of Nursing. We were married in 1966 and have been blessed with thirteen children. We praise the Lord for His faithfulness and blessings to us, we are a living testimony that children truly are a heritage from the Lord! (Psalm 127:3)
We were both raised in religious families and were serving in different denominational churches. Conversations about 'religion' usually brought conflict and strife; until the Lord spoke to our hearts by His Holy Spirit, showing us our sins and our need for a personal Savior. John 1:12 tells us we needed to ‘receive’ Jesus. We repented as sinners needing a Savior and received Him into our hearts and lives we were born again (John 3:3) by His Spirit to a new life in Christ. We knew in our hearts the Lord had truly made us one, in a relationship with Him and with each other. We have purposed, since that day in 1972, to be completely surrendered to Jesus Christ and His Lordship in every area. He has been faithful to His every promise, supplying all our needs, never leaving nor forsaking us, and daily blessing us. Our life's goal is to raise godly children and encourage them, single or married, to be His witnesses. Ephesians 2:10 speaks to the 'good works' God has established for us to accomplish and are thankful that leadership in the Voice of Faith Bible Church has been such a special part of His plan for our lives.